Managing Meeting, Conferences and Effective Minutes Writing

VENUE: Mombasa, Kenya
DATES: 09th – 20th December, 2019 (2 weeks)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only

Statement of Need
Meetings are an important part of organizational manager’s work. These senior officers also organize or attend conferences. For meeting to be effective the planning, organizing and coordination need to be perfect. The same applies to conferences. Behind the success of these events we have officers and Executive Assistants. Management of Meetings and Conferences requires thinking and planning capacity, budgeting skills, inter-personal skills as well as diplomacy and protocol competences. Assistants behind the scenes perform very important activities. Any inefficiency or ineffectiveness cannot be allowed as could lead to serious repercussions. Effective writing of minutes afterwards cannot be taken lightly. This programme will leave meetings and Conferences Operational staff loaded with requisite competences for their effective management.

Objectives of the Programme
The main aim is to equip the Assistants who help plan and organize meetings with what it takes to get the job done. By the end of the programme they will be able to:

  • Visualize administrative services relevant to forthcoming meeting or conference
  • Assist their Bosses in planning of the events
  • Undertake all background activities effectively and
  • Produce an accurate record of what would have transpired during the meeting or conference.

Subject Areas shall include:
  • Overview of the work of Managers
  • Meetings/conferences planning
  • Budgeting for meetings/conferences
  • Pre, during and post meeting duties
  • Satisfying welfare needs of Delegates
  • The writing of Minutes and Reports
  • Effecting keeping of Meeting records
  • Effective public relations

Target Participants
This course is ideal for Personal Assistants, Administrative and Executive Officers incharge of Meetings and Conferences organization.