Office Management and Administration Programme

VENUE: Mombasa, Kenya
DATES: 08th April - 19th May, 2019 (2 weeks)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only

Statement of Need
Organizations as businesses are led and supervised by Managers and Administrators. Pursuing the mission in line with vision of the creators requires that functions of strategic thinking and planning, work organizing, budgeting for operations, directing, coordinating and controlling are performed. While undertaking above functions Managers and Administrators operate in Offices. These offices facilitate internal and external business communication. Managers also deal with employees, social responsibility, customers, decision making and problem solving conflicts and discipline. In their work they are assisted by Office and Administrative Assistants. In the interest office efficiency and effectiveness the Assistants need to have management and administration knowledge and skills. Their attitude and behavior, their values and believes also need to match with those of the organization. This programme is designed to help build the above competences for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Objectives of the Programme
The key objective of the programme is to promote office efficiency and effectiveness. By the end of the programme participants shall be able to:

  • Understand and appreciate the role offices
  • Assist their Superior perform their duties and responsibilities
  • Appreciate the need for effective inter-office communication
  • Understand that offices facilitate organizational business
  • Realize the need for security of documents, secrecy and confidentiality of business information

Subject Areas shall include:
  • Meaning and work of offices
  • Key management functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling
  • Facilitating effective communication and problem coordination
  • The need for good public relations and customer care
  • Strategies for of promoting efficiency and effectiveness and
  • Office records management

Target Participants
This programme is meant for all new organizational officers, office managers, office Assistants Records management officers, and Senior Personal Assistants from public and private sector organizations.