VENUE: Mwanza, Tanzania
DATES: 22nd April – 03rd May, 2019 (2 weeks)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only
Statement of Need
One of the cardinal principles of organizational success is the ability to develop appropriate Budgeting and Budgetary Control Systems and empower staff to prepare long term strategic plans, medium term strategic plans and annual operational plans and translate them into annual budgets. Budgeting therefore, involves spelling out the resources needed to operationalize the plans. The resources needed include human capital, technology, plant and machinery, as well as finical resources (required money), hence the budget. In addition, organizations need to control the implementation of the plans by deploying resources provided in the budget, so as to enable the organization to achieve its SMART objectives. The budget provides the targets of operational and financial performance that provide the benchmark of organizational performance; the budget sets the targets to work towards, it provides the common direction for all staff, it motivates all employees to strive to achieve their targets enshrined in the work plan. This programme will take participants through the budgeting process and leave them proficient in the field.
Objectives of the Programme
The key objectives of the programme are to make participants: