Strategic Employees Recruitment and Selection Programme

VENUE: RECABI HQ, Njiro Arusha, Tanzania
DATES: 4th -15th February, 2019 (2 weeks)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only

Statement of Need
All Business Organizations require resources to undertake their operations. The basic resources are people (human capital), finances (money), and material of relevant types, technology, land, building and time. The most critical of them all are people. Human capital can mobilize rest of the resources the moment they possess the relevant knowledge, skills and more importantly positive attitude. Business success is greatly dependent on the caliber of employees in established positions. The above then makes it imperative for organization management to recruit, and select only those individuals who can create or enhance value to the organization. As no mistakes in hiring should be allowed this programme has been designed. It will guarantee participating organizations the kind of employees who will deliver and not mediocre individuals who are a liability to the business in these competitive times.

Objectives of the Programme
By the end of the programme participants shall be knowledge able and skilled, and capable of:-

  • Visualizing the human capital management cycle and where staff Recruitment and Selection fits in
  • Undertaking Organizational and Job Analysis for determining the ideal manpower demands for mission fulfillment
  • Designing jobs and positions and establishing the requisite knowledge and skills of the right people
  • Handling all the relevant steps in the process of staff Recruitment and Selections
  • Determining when and why employees cease to be human resources, and
  • Recommending policies, procedures and rules that will guarantee effective staff recruitment, selection, retention and separation from the organization

Subject Areas shall include:
  • Understanding Organizational Architecture
  • The Human Capital management cycle
  • Human Capital Policies for Staff hiring, retention and separation
  • Activities of Organization Staff recruitment
  • Activities of Organization Staff Selection
  • Motivational packages for Staff Retention, and
  • Workforce Performance reviews and retiring without Disaster

Target Participants
This programme is ideal for Managers and Officers of human resource department, and other line managers and officers who need to learn and know staff recruitment and selection processes and skills.