Training and Learning Facilitation Skills Development (TOT) Programme

VENUE: RECABI HQ, Njiro Arusha
DATES: 29th April – 10th May, 2019 (2 weeks))
FEES: US $ 1,300 only

Statement of Need
In recent years the Teaching and Training profession has been infiltrated by people whose original intention was to belong elsewhere. On the other hand although teaching and training colleges endeavor to graduate students with knowledgeable and skilled in the field over a period of time their competences become obsolete or outdated thereby requiring retooling. This programme is being offered in order to renew the Teachers and Trainers competences so that they remain professional in doing their work.

Objectives of the Programme
By the end of the course participants shall:

  • Appreciate the relevance and importance of continuous learning and development
  • Be effective and able to identify learning needs and design appropriate learning events
  • Identify and drop learning techniques and methods that do not work
  • Differentiate the techniques and methods for teaching of children and training of adults
  • Understand the demands of on-the-job vis-a-vis off-the-job training
  • Practically utilize platform skills that ensure effective learning by participants
  • Evaluate effectiveness of the techniques and methods they employ for various courses

Target Participants
This programme will prove relevant and timely for both new and practicing Trainers and Teachers from Institutions of learning and development. Officers serving as Training and Development Officers from Ministries and Organizations will also benefit.