Creating and Sustaining High Performance Organizations (HPOs)

DATES: 25th – 29th November, 2019 (1 weeks)
FEES: US $900 only

Statement of Need
The world is divided into camps of developed and developing states. In between we have the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, Canada and South Africa which have achieved remarkable development. Unfortunate for Africa, most countries belong to the developing world. On this globe fortunately many planned target are attainable. Given abundance of Africa’s natural resources, with transformational leadership, ethical management, strategic thinking and planning, hard work by everyone, efficient use of resources, commitment to national vision and subscription to value and beliefs coupled with team work and South-South cooperation a lot can be achieved in a short period. It happened in Germany, Italy and Japan after the 2nd World war. It will require however, that public and private sector corporations, the governments and all citizens to work hard. Africa must run while America and Europe is walking. This programme will focus on the principles and practices hence ways and means of crating HPOs, the sure way to catch up with the develop world.

Objectives of the Programme
By the end of the course participants shall be:

  • Knowledge about the concept of High Performance Organizations (HPO)
  • Able to evaluate their organizations and discover what they are at the moment
  • Skilled in doing situational analysis to understand prevailing conditions at their places of work
  • Aware of the building blocks of HPOs, and
  • Capable of designing performance improvement strategies for moving their organizations forward

Subject Areas shall include:
  • Principle and Practices of Performance management
  • Identifying work place Performance Bottlenecks
  • Meaning of High Performance teams
  • Proven Strategies for Achieving High Performance
  • The leadership and Management factor in creating HPOs
  • The Resource factor in creating and sustaining HPOs

Target Participants
This long overdue programme has been designed for:
  • Organizational Strategic planners
  • Directors and Line managers, as well as
  • Senior and Middle level Officers overseeing employees performance