VENUE: Mwanza City, Tanzania
DATES: 02nd - 6th September, 2019 (1 week)
FEES: US $ 900 only
Statement of Need
Work places are business areas. Members of management and rest of the workforce meet there to transact business. Among the management principles being practiced is division of labour. Arising from it some areas in leadership, others in top middle and lower management, the rest remaining as operatives. People join organizations with different goals and interests. The employing side has goals and interests. Managing differing expectations can be a challenge. However where management realizes the contribution of employees appreciates the latter as critical top ideas from them and offers them a chance to air their views and concerns the organization stands a better chance of pulling together and realizing aspirations of both sides. Democratization of the work place then is the strategy for succeeding together. The key to it is practicing principle and value-centered leadership.
Objectives of the Programme
The key aim of the course is to make the work place a productive and likeable place for all and to promote commitment, and motivation to work. By the end of the course participants shall: