Leadership, Team Building and Change Management

DATES: 5th – 16th August, 2019 (2 week)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only

Statement of Need
The leadership factor is the key to achieving visualized and planned national development. Without visionary pragmatic and value-centered leaders development is not guaranteed. Nations need to groom such leaders. Change is the permanent feature of our world. Both the external and internal environments are constantly changing. Leaders and Managers need renewed knowledge revamped skills and renewed impetus to cope with the many types of changes. It has now been proven that team work is primary for appreciatable quick success. But the latter cannot exist without effort. We need to build the culture of teaming up so as to benefit from synergy. This programme will focus on the above three very important subjects. Based on its design and the way it will be delivered it will greatly benefit participating countries and organizations.

Objectives of the Programme
By the end of the course participants shall be:

  • Conversant about planned change and the process of realizing its goals
  • Successfully implement CMA methods and/or Techniques in their areas of command
  • Clear on the many differences between groups and teams
  • Effective at leading work and other kinds of teams, and
  • Agents of change in their organizations

Subject Areas shall include:
  • Essentials of Leadership
  • Competence profile for leadership effectiveness
  • Differences between Groups and Teams
  • Stages of Team development
  • Types of change and change strategies
  • Inculcating values and Beliefs for leadership, team working and planned change

Target Participants
This strategic leadership course is ideal for:
  • Practicing and emerging national leaders
  • Practicing and potential departmental managers
  • All officers assigned to oversee strategic change goals enshrined in national development plans and corporate strategic plans