DATES: 16th – 20th December, 2019 (1 week)
FEES: US $ 900 only
Statement of Need
Organizations are created by Governments or Entrepreneurs as a strategy for making ends meet. They clarify their Missions and come up with Vision goals, objectives, strategies, plans and policies. Key success factors are availability of requisite non-human resources and hiring qualified, committed, motivated and experienced personnel. Employees however, join organizations with lots of personal goals and expectations. At times there develops conflict of interest because as management is focusing on work being done expressly and resources used efficiently employees worry about their careers and families. Organizations strive to achieve a win-win between the business and their key stakeholder. Matters of career planning and development and work-life Balance then need to be given ample space. This programme will shed light on how to achieve a win-win between the two parties.
Objectives of the Programme
The key aim of the course is to share strategies and plans that will enable organizations and Employees realize maximum long-term benefits. By the end of the course participants shall be: