VENUE: Zanzibar, Tanzania
DATES: 23 rd September, - 04 th October 2019 (2 weeks)
FEES: US $ 1,300 only
Statement of Need
The need to think and plan long term has become a necessity for governments, organizations as well as individuals. The reason is clear: if you want a bright future you got to plan today, strategize, and implement the strategies well. Strategic management prepares countries and organizations for their future. Given dynamism of the environment there are many futuristic developments that are either unknown or unpredictable. It is desirable therefore that we put our heads together and visualize the future that we want prior to coming up with strategies, plans and policies to take us there. Resource mobilization and effective utilization becomes a key activity too. This programme shall explores how the crooked path can be traversed and hurdles overcome.
Objectives of the Programme
The main goal of the course is to disseminate knowledge and skills for effective strategic management at all levels. By the end of the programme participants shall be able to: